Thursday, December 13, 2007

Light at the End of a 21 Year Long Tunnel!

So on Saturday, a rather momentous occassion will occur. I will finish my 21 year long stint of a schooling career. I started preschool at 3 and am FINALLY ending school at 24. PRAISE THE LORD!!! Now this doesn't mean I won't go back later or anything but I am so glad to be done with the papers, the tests, the late night studying and the craziness of it all. I wouldn't trade those experiences for anything but I am very glad they are finished :0)

Unfortunately, for my teacher certification, I will be in class 3 times a week, one time online and will be taking tests and such for it. Not really school but still! I will be done with all that junk in April and hopefully well on my way to being a teacher.

Anyways, just wanted to check in before I head up to Denton. I am leaving tomorrow morning and will be stopping in to see my Bear Creek (the school where I worked last year) friends and students and then will be heading up to Denton to stay with Ashley and Lauren! Yay! I've seen Ash a couple times since leaving but I haven't seen Lauren since August so I am very excited to spend some time with these lovely ladies! Yay!

God bless!

1 comment:

Meghan said...

yay lara! you'll have to let me know how it goes getting your teaching certification, bc i'm thinking about getting mine too.