Friday, April 03, 2009

I'm in love....

....with China!

Sorry. That was a mean trick. I missed April Fool's so I thought I'd get a quick trick in.
Anyways, now that I have been back 2 weeks, I decided it was high time for an update. Leading up to this trip, life was just hard. Not neccessarily bad - just hard. The week before, I felt very heavily spiritually attacked and was kind of anxious going into up until about 2 days before the trip. However, once we got there that all left and wow...what a trip. The biggest thing I can say is that I never have observed the power of the Lord work in such a mighty way in such a concentrated amount of time. I just don't have the words to describe it. I loved my English students and getting to share life and Jesus with them. They were so eager and so hungry and it was just amazing. I can't wait to go back! And I'm not even playing. I was kind of waiting for the high to come down, but as it comes down, I still miss it terribly there. I was not ready to leave the Sunday we left. I could sit down and write all the details of the trip but that would be a tremendously long post and a lot to type. Maybe I'll do it bit by bit on here. But I feel like when I say I will write things on here, I never do it. So no promises. Just know that my heart is in China right now, not where I expected it to be.
Hope y'all are doing well! Blessings!

1 comment:

Audrey said...

That's a really cool photo!! :) I'm glad that it was such a wonderful 10 days there, and that God used you guys! :) I want to hear more about it, but we can do that sometime when we get together. :) Love ya!