Monday, August 06, 2007

Dear motorcycle riders...

Dear motor cycle riders,
Just because you have a smaller vehicle than the rest of us does not mean that you can break the rules of the road. Twice today, I saw two of you clearly breaking the rules of the road and putting yourself and other drivers at risk. So even though the cement truck on the two lane road is not going very fast, just be patient like the rest of us and wait til he turns so everyone can speed up to the actual speed limit.

Also, please wear helmets. I know wearing them causes helmet hair and other undesirable effects, but I would much rather have messy hair after the ride than messy brains all over the road. Congrats to the two of you I saw today doing dangerous things - you were actually wearing helmets.

Thank you,



Aaron & Megan said...

Alas, this is too true. I actually almost killed one the other day who pulled into the lane I was changing into. My beef with motorcyclists is that you can't see them on the road. I'm as likely to squash them like a little bug beneath my truck tires as I am to actually see them coming.

Anonymous said...

Good post.