Saturday, August 18, 2007

Moved to Houston...

So, two days ago, I made the move. And am somewhat alarmingly unsure of what I am doing here. I have no job, no internship or anything. But I was often unsure of why I was in grad school, but figured that God would not have allowed it to happen if it isn't where He wanted me. Just pray that I have a peace about this move to Houston and that the right doors open up, even if they aren't the ones I expected or planned on.

Living with my parents has proved interesting thus far and will definitely be a test of my patience. I think it will be okay once I establish my own life outside of them, but right now I'm spending a lot (probably too much) time with them and missing my own space. But I can't really complain because I will be living for free for the next few months which wouldn't be possible without them.

One funny thing about moving to my parents house is watching Ruby, the 17 year old cat and Ella, my sweet doggy bond. Well, I wouldn't really call it bonding. Ella tries to get as close as she can to the cat and the cat just sits there and hisses and growls (who knew cats could growl!?!?) at her. Really, it just seems like a big staring contest. And Ruby, the 5 pound cat has effectively made Ella, the 47 pound dog scared of her. I think Ella is having a really hard time understanding why Ruby does not want to be friends with her. Yesterday, Ruby went and hid under the bed in hopes of escaping Ella's sniffing nose. We figured that was okay since supposedly, Ella could not get under the bed. Well guess who wiggled herself under the bed to be closer to the cat? was so funny. She just kinda wiggled and army-crawled under there and just stared at the cat. Ruby just looked at Ella like she was ridiculous. I think Ruby was right. Haha...I wish I had a picture of this!

Anyways, I'll continue to chronicle this interesting transition back to muggy Houston.

God bless!

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