Friday, September 12, 2008


So we've gotten through 8 letters of the alphabet without a hurricane turning towards Houston. We had a couple of little scares, but nothing to get excited about besides few drops of rain. Well, now Ike is kind of on a direct path for us and we are all hunkering down. Bottles of water, canned foods (a lot of which no one wants to eat but we have anyways), candles, flashlights, etc. abound. Everyone is all panicky. I can't decide if I am or not. Everyone seems to get all worked up about these things. I think I have decided to worry about it when something happens.

So far I am just sitting here with a much needed day off (its been a rather difficult week at work with the addition of a new, fairly difficult student to my class), and honestly kind of bored at my parents house. My friends are all hanging out and that sounds fun, but I guess if something were to really happen, I would much rather be with my family. I love my parents dearly, but sitting around all day with not much to do just isn't that exciting. I might even take a nap soon even though I slept 9 hours last night.

Anyways. Just be in prayer for Houston, Galveston and the surrounding areas no matter what happens. I shall post after the storm passes. And maybe even a few exciting updates/thoughts on life.

God bless!

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