Tuesday, July 07, 2009

In the summertime..

...it is hot!

You'd think growing up in one of the hottest desserts on earth, I'd be okay with our Houston summers, but goodness, it is awful! I am ready for winter to come back now. I love sweaters and blankets and all things cuddly. None of that is good in 105 degree heat. If electricity weren't so expensive, I would turn down my AC just so I could wear that stuff.

Anyways, here's what I have been up to this past month or so:
  • Moving into my new apartment and spending lots of money to get it set up - I had nothing besides my bedroom furniture and a papasan chair! I do like living by myself, but it does get a little boring at times, especially since I am not having TV, but I think it is a good thing.
  • Spending lots of time with favorite people - I don't always get to do this when I am working, but I am getting to do lunch dates and coffee and see movies and lay out and stay out way late and I love it.
  • Women's retreat in San Antonio - it was a blast! I love planning stuff like that and hope to do it again soon!
  • Working out - I'm semi-attempting to do Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred and its going okay when I do it. Its a tough 20 minutes! I'm not even joking. But I do mix it up with personal training, kickbox classes and volleyball with friends.
  • Reading - oh the love of my life! I miss it when I don't have time for it!
  • Small group - we are doing some exciting things in our women's small groups this summer and I just love how the Lord is moving and working in the lives of the women.

Here's what I hope to do for the rest of the summer:

  • Lesson plans and making materials for next year. I don't particularly want to, but know it will make my life much much easier starting out in August with my new campus and new sweet ones!
  • Sewing curtains - no progress has been made here, but I really want to do it!
  • Take one more road trip - not sure where or when, but I want to go! Maybe not sitting still for 1.5 hours on I-10 again, though. That wasn't fun.
  • Cooking and baking - done some, but want to do more! I love it!
  • Time with old friends - Jenny, Audrey, Mina, etc. I get really busy with my friends from church, but I really want to be intentional about spending time with some of my oldest and most precious friends!
  • Lose a little more weight - vain, but summer is the best time for me to do it because I really have no excuse for lack of time!
  • Astros games - I'm going to one tomorrow, but really want to go to more!
  • Finish all the projects I've previously started but never finished!

Okay, I'll do a more indepth post next time. How are your summers going? Love you!

1 comment:

WonderousWomanRetreat said...

Dear Lara,

Consider to join us for A Wonderous Woman Retreat
on August 13,14,and 15

The Wonderous Woman retreat program leads and encourages every woman to connect to all facets of her purpose and value. Our approach is to create experiential retreats in beautiful venues where you can connect to your mind, body and spirit.

It's easy to take care of everyone else in our lives, but we tend to forget about ourselves.