Sunday, January 28, 2007


Awakening Chorus

Awake awake! and sing the blessed story;
Awake awake! and let your song of praise arise;
Awake awake! the earth is full of glory,
And light is beaming from the radiant skies;
The rocks and rills, the vales and hills resound with gladness,
All nature joins to sing the triumph song.

The Lord Jehovah reigns and sin is backward hurled!
Rejoice rejoice! lift heart and voice, Jehovah reigns!
Proclaim His sov'reign pow'r to all the world,
And let His glorious banner be unfurled! Jehovah reigns!
Rejoice rejoice rejoice! Jehovah reigns.

Ring out! ring out! O bells of joy and gladness!
Repeat, repeat, a new the story o'er again,
Till all the earth shall lose its weight of sadness,
And shout anew the glorious refrain;
With the angels in the heights sing of the great Salvation,
He wrested from the hand of sin and death.

I really love old hymns. We sang this at church last night (in a more modern version) and I thought it was beautiful so I am sharing it now.

Anyways, I've been thinking about going to China for 10 days in June with my church and am still unsure whether or not I should apply. I sent an email to the Missions Pastor at church, but since his wife is having/had a baby, I am still waiting on his reply. Here's what I asked him:

1) What specific activities is the team involved in? I know on the website it says relationship building and the like, but is it working with the coffee shop that the Village has there or in some other capacity?

2) How much training is involved and when would the trainings be? I work during the days and attend class two nights out the week, so before I turn in my application, I need to be sure I can actually make the whole commitment.

3) Here's my biggest question and what I'm battling with the most. I grew up overseas (Saudi Arabia) from age 0-15 and traveled extensively during that time. Because of that, I have a very strong passion for traveling and like to go anywhere basically. I'm not sure if I really am called to this trip or if I just want to travel. I would hate to be signing up with alterior motives that are not aimed at serving God, but rather at serving myself. I do have a passion for missions and feel called to be invovled in missions in some capacity, but am I really called this time or just wanting to travel? I know you can't answer that question for me, but I thought maybe you might have some wise words of guidance for me.

4) Does one need to be a covenant member of The Village in order to be eligible for serving on a team? I have been actively attending the village since June '06 and sincerely do want to become a covenant member. However, during the fall, my class schedule prevented me from joining a Home Group, which is a requirement for membership eligibility. I am currently trying to find a group (haven't found one just yet) but my heart is definetely passionate about serving at The Village and being involved in ministry there.

I've been praying over those questions a lot and still haven't really felt a strong pull one way or the other. The prospect of going to China and ministering there excites me, but I don't know if I am called. I have a peace that God will take care of whatever obstacles are in my path (money, classes, work obligations, etc.) but part of that is I know He has done it before, and if He wants me to go, will do it again. If anyone has any thoughts or guidance, feel free to let me know!

Anyways, I had a lot of thoughts to put down here, but nothing coherent comes to mind right now. I'm off to lunch with my buddy Jenni!

Lots of love and God bless!

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