Thursday, September 27, 2007


Do you ever have one of those "blah" days where things just don't feel right even though nothing in particular is wrong? Yeah, its one of those. I'm just mopey and I dunno. It might be boredom - I really don't have much to do. I thought about putting extra hours into my internship for the next few weeks until subbing starts but oddly enough (and this may change eventually), I don't have any desire to be there. I thought about working on my Baylor/KXA tshirt quilt, but that would require buying fabric and such and I feel like any money I spend right now aside from a very occasional dinner out with a friend is wasted and unnecessary, especially since I am making $0. I dunno. I feel like I'm in a slump and like a fire has been put out in me. I want my heart to feel alive and afire.

Anyways. In exciting news, today in the mail,my new camera that I got for my birthday came. Be prepared for more picture-ful posts in the near future! Yay!

God bless!

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