Friday, February 01, 2008

You Break, HE Buys!

Last Sunday in church, Pastor Gregg, who is doing a great series on milestones in our lives, talked about salvation. Because I like to think in images and allusions, his preaching resonates well with me. He was talking about going into a store with little kids and there are always those signs that say "You Break, You Buy". But the marvelous thing about salvation is that we can change that sign to "You Break, HE Buys!". Such simple words yet such a beautiful concept. He knows we are broken. He knows we are going to break. Yet, still, we were bought at a ransom by Him and through Him. Sometimes I struggle with feeling the joy of my salvation (Psalms 51:12) but that phrase has been running through my head all week because the picture it paints in my head and on my heart. Just wanted to share...

In less happy news, I want to ask you to pray for my sweet, long-time friend, Audrey. Her father has cancer and after a doctors appointment on Wednesday has been given weeks, maybe a month or two more. Oh how my heart breaks. I know you may not know her, but please just pray. Her family and my family have been friends for a while, so its a difficult thing to watch. Its also sobering to watch this happen to someone my age because it could be me and I can't even imagine losing my father (or anyone in my family). In her words, "This sucks. It just sucks." So yeah. Please pray.

Hope you are doing well. I will post some love quotes from my planner on here soon. There's some good ones that are worth posting.

God bless!

1 comment:

Audrey said...

thanks for the prayer request and your own prayers..i love you. :) you rock..and yes, this sucks..but somehow we all get through deaths..and deaths aren't bad enough that we don't bring into the world new lives.. i guess there is a time for everything. and it just proves life is bittersweet. God is showing me all the seasons. :) love ya~aud