Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Learning to Like Wine

So up to this point, I really haven't been much of a drinker. Not because I'm opposed to it (in moderation of course) but mainly because aside from really expensive fruity drinks, I don't really like the taste of alcohol.

However, I have recently stumbled upon not 1, but 2 different wines that I actually like. The first, Chelsea shared with me. It's called a Spatlese (sp?)'s a sweet German wine that is very tasty.

The second, which I didn't think I would like but my brother convinced me to give it a try, is White Zinfandel (another sweet wine of course...). I had it at my cousin's wedding this past weekend and it was very good!

So now I can order more than just diet coke and water when out with friends! I feel kinda like I'm getting older and less like I'm 8 years old. Not completely, but this is a step up! Haha... anyways just wanted to share, especially for those of you who share in my former disdain for wine. Give it a try friends!


Anonymous said...

i'm just glad to know that i've found something that i can buy and bring as a gift to a dinner party and then not refuse to drink it! now... if we can just convert jeremy....

Paul said...

I cannot believe this you two. Where did we all go to college at one point in time?????? (HA just kidding!!!)