Thursday, December 06, 2007

Little Elves

My brother made this. Too funny. I had tears in my eyes from laughing. You NEED to watch it! Haha...

I think you should make your own!

Current Events

* Got accepted to Region 4's teacher certification program today! So now I'm on my way to being a special ed teacher and I'm pretty stinkin' excited :0)

* Got to eat lunch with Ashley today and that was so wonderful! We tried out California Pizza Kitchen at Memorial City Mall. Neither of us had every been and it was super yummy! We shared a white pizza (four kinds of white cheese and spinach) and each had a really good ceasar salad. If you get the chance to try that restaurant, I highly recommend it! I am so excited for Ashley (and Gibson!) to move back to Houston next year.

* Almost done with Christmas shopping! Yay! I think I only have 2 people left to finish up and I have some ideas for them. I think the hardest person is my dad. He has all the bike stuff he needs. He has all the coffee stuff he needs. There's nothing he really wants or needs. So what do I get him? Its a tough one...

* I think my church hunt is over!! PTL!! I decided to go back to Houston First Baptist and am attending the Sunday evening class, MetroLink, and service. Its been amazing. The people there are not only extremely friendly, welcoming and inclusive but also, they are Godly, authentic, amazing men and women that I am excited to get to know more. I am going camping this weekend with them and couldn't be more excited! I love to camp and this will give me a good chance to get to know and fellowship with them more. The church and all the activities are quite a drive for me but have proved to be more than worth it. I am truly blessed...

* Just substituting around the district and its gone pretty well! Today, I got a letter from the sub office with a sub evaluation form filled out from one of the teachers I subbed for. Usually when you get those, it is NOT a good thing at all and that teacher wants you removed from the campus. No one really fills them out for doing a good job but they can if they want. A teacher I subbed for two days this week had filled one out and said I was doing a fantastic job. Its always nice to be affirmed and it blessed me a lot to get that today. I was nervous when I was opening it because I felt like I've been doing okay subbing! Hehe..

* I graduate next weekend!! Yay yay yay!! I really thought this day would never come! I will officially be DONE with school (for now anyways) and its so exciting to be able to say that after being in school since I was 3 (I'm including preschool).

Okay. I think thats all. I hope y'all are doing well. Christmas is coming! God bless!

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