Sunday, May 25, 2008

What a week...

Well, in the best news yet, my mom came home on Friday afternoon! She came home with her very own oxygen tank too because her oxygen saturation levels were not quite where they wanted them (hers were reading about 85% and they want them at least at 92%). But otherwise, she is doing pretty well. We even took her out for thai food on Friday night so she could have a decent meal (although, surprisingly, the hospital food wasn't too intolerable). I actually have been gone the past 24 hours on a women's retreat for my Sunday school class, but she says she is feeling good and my mom and dad even had a couple outings yesterday with oxygen tank in tow. The next few weeks and months will involve much follow up with doctors, blood tests and what not, but things are looking good. :0)

I am exhausted from everything this week! I was supposed to go to church and lunch this morning (our evening class and service got cancelled this weekend because of Memorial Day) with some friends and am supposed to go to a volleyball/movie/cookout tomorrow with friends, but I may just stay close to home and enjoy some time with the Lord and some quietness. I've been running nonstop since last Tuesday, so I think some time out is necessary.

Anyways, hope y'all are doing well. Love you and God bless!

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