Monday, July 09, 2007


A thought has been running through my head lately. Am I called to international missions? I am very passionate about it and admire people who choose to do it so much. But is it for me? I often wonder if I am ignorning God's call to go by placing my own desires above His or if He is calling me to do stateside missions. Both are of equal value and worth, but which is for me. I love traveling to other countries and learning about other people, and sharing God with those people and cultures is even more fantastic. But there are so many cultures and people in need in the States, that I feel like sometimes that is where I need to be. I guess my comfort zone is hard to define too. Traveling and going places is a comfort zone for me but being close to friends and family is another comfort zone for me and those are often in heavy competition with each other. I try to keep my options open and do research on both options, but how do I know which I should progress with? Anyways, something that has just been at the back of my mind lately.

Funny story for the day: So I've been running a low fever for the past five days and feeling dizzy and achey. I figured since it had been so persistent, it was time for a visit to the doctor. Since I have no doctor in Denton, I went to CareNow, an urgent care clinic. To go to these clinics costs me $65 a visit. So I go and they take my symptoms and do bloodwork and such. And then diagnose me with "viral syndrome". And send me home. No presecriptions. They just tell me to keep taking Advil to alleviate my symptoms like I've been doing. Nice. I love paying $65 so can keep on doing what I'm doing. I mean there really was nothing they could do since it was a virus and could be controlled by Advil, but good grief. Oh live, you learn. At least I know now.

God bless!

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