Sunday, August 26, 2007

After the ride...

So this weekend was fun! Despite the fact that I spent the entire weekend with 8 men (most of whom I do not know very well), fun was still had by all. I felt like I rode decently (averaged 15-16 mph - pretty decent for a newbie) for my first ride and am not giving up on this sport any time soon! I rode the 25 mile route but added 8 additional miles to it because I missed a turn by accident. I think maybe next time I'll ride the 50 mile route because the riders on that route are slightly more experienced and tend to ride safer and are more experienced than the ones on the 25 mile course. One cool thing about the ride was one of the rest stops. It was actually right on Sheppard's Air Force Base. Amazing! When riding up to the actual rest stop we read all these signs about the base and the AF in general. A little futher down they had a bunch of planes all on display for us to see. I was so sad that I didn't have a camera! When you got to the rest stop, there were actual members of the AF there running the stop and offering their assistance. They were so friendly (and not to mention some were really cute! Maybe I should have just stopped the ride there...hehe). Crossing the finish line was a neat experience too. Everyone cheered and clapped for you and you got this cool memento pin. I can't wait til I can ride the full 100 miles and crossing the finish line will be even cooler. Thats still a bit away though, but a goal nonetheless. It wasn't too hot this year despite the name of the ride (Hotter 'n Hell!) but was told it has been miserable in past years. So that was real nice. After the ride, we just kinda hung around, ate some snacks, waited for the others and looked at the trade show. Once everyone was finished, we packed up and drove to the Ft. Worth Stockyards to eat at Cattlemen's (apparently, this is a longstanding tradition). It was cool. My steak wasn't very good but the ambiance was neat. After that, we booked it back to Houston and fell asleep very soon after! Weekends like that wear you out!

I know some of you are wondering how meeting this boy, Chris, went. It wasn't nearly as awkward as I thought it was going to be. He was cute and very nice. Most boys don't talk to me and kind just look past me, but he made good conversation the entire weekend and was really a sweet guy. I don't know if anything will come of it, but he was nice and friendly. I'm also not sure where he stands on matters of faith, but maybe we'll learn more later. I'll keep you posted. Oh, and remember that time I said I wouldn't have to wear spandex in front of him?? I was wrong. He ended up staying in our hotel and started the ride with us and yes, there was me in all my glory in spandex. Good grief. But oh well. Everyone is wearing spandex at these rides and I for sure did not look the worst. Hehe... anyways.

Exciting news! When I returned last night, I checked my email and there was an email from my contact at the internship I want. She said she had been on vacation for 2 weeks and thats why she hadn't contacted me. She told me a lady would contact me this week with more details and said they looked forward to meeting me. So I'm excited! Nervous, but excited!

Anyways, my parents are on their way home to pick me up to go eat dinner, so I must go change clothes. I'll keep you updated on any more news!

God bless!

1 comment:

Meghan said...

hey lara! i thought i would let you know i'm in the blogging world again. also, does chris go to baylor? because if so, i know who you are talking about ...