Monday, August 27, 2007


Came across this verse a couple of weeks ago and it has really helped to put things in perspective.

"Abba, Father," he said, "everything is possible for you. Take this cup from me. Yet not what I will, but what you will." ~Mark 14:36~

This was right before Jesus' crucifixion. Basically, he knows what is happening, does not want it to happen, but humbles, yields and obeys the Father regardless. What a sweet picture of how I need to be living my life as a Christian woman. Jesus releases all control (the "cup") and surrenders to the powerful Almighty. If he can humbly submit himself before the Lord when torture and an unfathomably horrific death is about to happen to him, why can't I do that even in the small things? Using the word, "Abba" is such a sweet, endearing term for the Father and Jesus uses it even though he knows the path is full of pain and suffering. We all try to hold and balance our "cups", especially when life feels out of control. But what would it look life if we simply gave up that cup, despite what the circumstances, to someone who knows much better how to hold it than we do?

I am definitely a cup-grabber. I like my way. I like to plan and control. And I know that holding my cup is what keeps me from sweet intimacy with Him.

Anyways, I just loved this verse and picture. Its been rolling over in my mind for the past few weeks and God has been speaking to my heart through it and I wanted to share it.

Well, internship lady called today. I have a meeting with her on Thursday to get things started and set my hours, so it looks like its a go from here! Yay! I'm nervous and excited all at the same time. I have no idea what to expect. But I love the fact that I am going to get to serve these children and families and do one of the things I am most passionate about in life. I'll let you know how it goes.

God bless!

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