Friday, January 18, 2008

Fullness of His Grace

"From the fullness of his grace we have all received one blessing after another." ~John 1:16~

A Truth I often let fly out the window.

Because I am not exactly working full time, just doing teacher certification stuff and don't have a very full social calendar, I am left with some much needed time to think about things. I think when I originally entered into my current situation, I did not think it was a blessing and more of a curse really. But God has shown me quite the opposite, a lesson I think I really needed to learn.

I also struggle with coveting the blessings of others (horizontal thinking gets us nowhere) and wishing my life were way different and frustrated over the fact that it isn't.

But lately, as I'm learning to focus more vertically, I am beginning to love my life and the things God is doing in it. And I'm seeing the fullness of his grace more and more in my own life. And it is true - I feel as if I am receiving one blessing after another, even if I don't realize its a blessing when I receive it.

Anyways, I just love this passage and how it really puts life in perspective and reminds what He has done for us and His unending and amazing love for us.

Funny Ella story: So, the only toy Ella really likes to play with is these tiny tennis balls made for dogs under 25 lbs (which she clearly is not!). She holds them in her mouth, tosses them in the air, chases them and basically entertains herself with them. Well, one day after work (spending the week with emotionally disturbed children made for an interesting week at work), I was snacking on some baby carrots and dip. Now I know Ella doesn't like carrots, but she wouldn't leave me alone during my snack, so I tossed one on the floor for her planning on picking it up after I was finished eating. Ella looks at the carrot, nibbles it a bit and then she starts tossing it in the air, chasing it around the room and bouncing it off the floor just like she does with those tiny tennis balls! It was hilarious! Who knew baby carrots made such great dog toys?!?! Haha... And FYI, baby carrots actually bounce really well off the floor, even carpets. Anyways, I thought it was cute. My dad took a video, but I seem to be uncapable of loading videos on here.

Hope y'all are doing well! God bless!

Oh, and I got asked again if I was pregnant this week at work. Kids... I know I need to shed a few pounds, but I know its not that bad! Just because every other teacher is pregnant at school does not mean that all of us are! Geez louise! I can't handle much more of this kids asking me if I'm having a baby. Its a little damaging to my self esteem!

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