Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Post #3 for the evening...

I felt like splitting up my posts this evening was a better idea (and easier for me).

I just had some random thoughts that really didn't fit in my other 2 posts.

One thing I've been thinking about lately is God's 400 years of silence. I hadn't really given it that much thought before but I heard it mentioned twice in one day so I figured God was trying to tell me something. I knew there had been a silence from Him. But geez! 400 years! And His followers waited that long in eager anticipation and faith that He would speak again. I get upset when God is silent for even a few days! But I also think He uses that silence to still us and to prepare our hearts for when He does speak. Maybe I should appreciate the silence more (even though it is a harsh reminder of my sins) and ready myself for when He does speak to me.

Another thought on my mind is the frailty of humans as well as their dominant position over other creatures of the earth. Seriously. There are many many animals out there that could rip us to shreds in seconds flat. We wouldn't even know what hit us. And we really aren't strong enough to stand up to it or even fight back. Yet we are at the top. I know our intellectual capabilities (although I question some - okay many - members of our species) put us steps above them but seriously. I think our weakness and frailty keeps us humble to a certain degree. I think if we possessed both intellectual and physical prowess, our world would be an even more messed up and crazy place than it already is currently. Just an interesting juxtaposition of superiority and frailty in my opinion.

Okay, enough lackluster philosophical thinking from me. I like pondering deep things but I do not always possess the ability to articulate them well nor debate them anyone. So I'm done.

In VERY exciting news - I'M GOING TO BOSTON IN MARCH!!! I found a good deal on plane tickets so I will get to see my favorite happily married couple who are on a grand adventure there! I have been wanting to go since they moved their last June and my dream is coming true :0) I wanted to do something around spring breakish time and after some playing around with ideas and doing some research I decided that it was time to make my first visit (of hopefully many more!) to Boston.

So my computer is about to run out of battery power so I need to go. I hope y'all are doing well! God bless!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so excited! I wanted to go buy all the Diet Coke in the world in preparation for your arrival!