Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Vertical Perspective

"Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God."
~Hebrews 12:2~
So like the last post I heard about this topic twice in a short span of time and felt it was fairly noteworthy and worth some thought. The general idea is that we ought to look vertically towards Jesus rather than viewing the world horizontally and looking at others. I don't need to compare my life and what God is doing in it to those around us. He has a unique plan for each and everyone one of us and will be faithful to complete it. But if I am so busy focusing on the lives of others, how can I possibly be focusing on my own life and what God is doing in it?
I just need to be looking up. My life is between God and I and what He wills for it. Looking at the lives at others is a) a lack of faith on my part and b) sometimes breaking a commandment - coveting thy neighbor. It also can cause me to miss the beautiful things He is trying to do in my life because I'm so distracted by the lives of others. Yes, I can definitely learn from the lives of others and should do so. But I shouldn't base my life around theirs. We all have our own joys, blessings, sacrifices, idols, etc. And my life is not going to be identical to anyone elses. My focus needs to be on what is occurring between Him and me so that His purpose in me can be carried out. Looking at the lives of others is bailing out on Him and His plan.
So as I enter this new year, another resolution and I can add to the list is a more vertical perspective and a less horizontal one.
God bless!

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